@ 2:59- Yes, he WAS....but you see, Tim was not one of the fools that follow the arch even when he was in the wrong! And being as close as he was to the arch, he has MANY stories to tell.
Yes, I agree Right is Right even when AA & the whole world are not right. We choose to follow the Lord and his Church, not church leaders who lead blindly, are beyond accountability, set bad example, cover up sin and give away property of the poor to the rich , desiring to gain power and recognition from man.
2:59 AM. You are kept sleepless by the relationship between Tim Rohr and Call Me Tony? How sick can you be? FYI, apuron had some friends but they quietly fell out because apuron 's definition of friends is their urility to him. Most people can smell a user right away so they opt out. Yes, sleepless man, tony uses his friends for his own purposes which is why he attracts people like ncw maniacs who use others to get what they want. "Who is using who" is still a big puzzle in this tragic drama. Capisce?
Thanks for saying it for me. I never was friends or even friendly with Apuron. The poor man doesn't know how to have friends. People are only useful to him. In fact I received a rather hateful, scathing letter from him in 2000 dismissing me as a columnist from the U Matuna (View from the Pew) and a regular on KOLG. I wish I would have kept it.
I was "rehabilitated" in 2004 by Dr. Robert Morgan who started the Catholic Evidence Guild in response to the mass exodus of Catholics from Apuron's church. The Guild was the impetus for my bookstore, which Apuron got credit for. Everyone thought he started it. In fact, many thought it was his store and I just worked there. All of this made Apuron look good, so I was useful.
In 2008, Chuck and I started the Esperansa Project. We purposely kept it separate from the church because we saw how inept the church was at effecting anything legislatively pro-life....though there was no limit to what they would do to stop gambling. Because Esperansa was pro-life and successful, Apuron got credit for that too. That's fine.
In 2009 I took on BJ Cruz not to defend the bishop but to defend the church. And as I've already shown, as soon as I knew that the church (Apuron) was hiding something. I quit.
For 23 years I have studied Apuron. In all those years he was unable to make what I would call healthy friendships. Infact when I first visited Guam in 1992 I was shocked how most of his friends were altar servers in the Agana Cathedral. He spent most of his time driving around Guam in a Lexus taking altar servers for breakfast. It seemed to be the norm of the day.He did have a friend someone he said was his cousin his name was randy something. He did try to make friends but nothing lasted. In fairness to former bishop camacho he did have good friends in msgr. David and Msgr bibi. I always felt Monsignor David was a somewhat of a good and stable influence on the former bishop. I had personally entertained these people in England so I observed a lot. Priests do need friends of other priest's to help each other. Though when I look back now the two monsignors did not do enough to assist tommy with his issues. They like to eat and drink but I don't think they contributed much to Tommy's human spiritual development. Back to Apuron. He had no priest friends, he tried to make a could of priest's his secretary never lasted. Why? Because he uses people to his own advantage . So when he met old putrid they had much in common. They both used each other. Putrid need a haven to live Apuron offered free room and board plenty of money. Putrid offered him friendship but unhealthy friendship which led to destruction of a church. You see dear people of Guam, your bishop is a very unhealthy human being and because he is unhealthy he led an entire island into dysfunction . Same on Saipan. These Islands had/have one of the most unhealthy episcopal leaders of our church. The best friend Apuron ever had was believe it or not his dog. He loved dogs he treated dogs better than he treated priest's and people. So Tim is right poor man does not have friends. He nears 70 years old but he is a lonely old bitter man this is the sad reality. I think he did try to be friends with Monsignor James but look he threw James under the bus. I always used to say no one can be Apurons friend for he does not know meaning of friendship. He wants it but cannot make good friends. He also gets very jealous of priests who have priest friends. Notice he used to say not nice things about tommy David and bibi. He was jealous. I am a very simple person I spend my evenings in music concerts with my friends and if our readers remember he launched a huge attack into me . I hope one day Guam people really do see the whole picture of the disaster that is happening on their beautiful island. You have a bishop now so out of touch with reality it is frightening. When you have no friends you become like Apuron. You end up befriending the Putrids of our world and this is how hell on earth begins to be created. They created hell on Guam. You are living in their created hell and to some degree we all need to liberate each other from the evil we have all been affected by. They created years of hell in all our lives. That's why we come to this page . In the hope one day people will be free again from these hitlers who have killed the soul of a nation.
4.43pm Diana contributed to the " wrecked havoc " suggest he makes an examination of conscience. That is if he knows the meaning. Conscience examined would lead him to early retirement .
Father Blockley...Randy is the son of +Tun Reyes; who was an outstanding resident of Agana and Parishioner of the Cathedral Basilica (CB). +Tun Reyes was very helpful during my short tenure as CB Sacristan (87-89). In addition to his full time job, Randy Reyes would voluntarily help facilitate/organize some of the functions at the bishops residence. The altar servers at the time you were assigned to the CB were the son's of AA's brother and my Pare' +Jose Apuron. Two of them were attending the University of Guam (UOG), the youngest still in High School. My Godson and his younger brother, who were at UOG, would often volunteer their free time at both the CB and the Chancery Office....So the kind gesture of taking these altar servers for breakfast is nothing compared to the amount of voluntary work they provided those days.....Prayers from a distance.
Thankyou Richard. That may well be the person . Randy was some kind of a helper To the bishop. I was just surprised at the amount of authority this person had over the Apuron at the time. In the history of Apuron there was always a male figure that seemed to dominate him. However I hope randy continues to serve the church. But I did observe this person suddenly disappeared so I assume he went to the States. Regarding altar servers at the time. Some may have been relatives I doubt they all were. Honestly, it's a small point. My point is as far back as 1992 I considered it very Strange that any bishop or priest would give so much attention to altar servers. I mean It was breakfast every day . I even wondered if he was part owner of Shirley's coffee shop. It was a bizare situation Apuron was running as far back as 92. others were running him even then. In the history of Apuron there was always a daddy hanging over him. I'm just a simple observer. But I spent a life time studying people and when I study Apuron I see red flags. Sad reality.
May Tun Gonzalo rest in peace. He was like a trusted Chief who soldiered on and did his duties religiously even though he did not always in agree. His attitude and demeanor characterized the admirable qualities of the strong Chamoru man whose authority is not about brute force but about the character of doing whatever needs to get done, no yakking, no whining or venting, just a quiet strength that is readily evident to those who take the time to notice.
I can't wait to see this document. Please release it in October or better yet, November 1st on All Souls Day! Thank you Tim. Keep the faith! Never mind what these naysayers say okay? Let God guide you through prayerful discernment. You and your family and your prayerful intentions are kept in my daily prayers.
How about falsely accusing Fr. Paul for starters. Accusing him of not firing a man that he fired two years earlier. The same man Apuron permitted to work at the church 6 years before Fr. Paul even became pastor.
Injustice indeed not only to Fr. Paul but to the man he was asked to fire. It is ironic that the State has forgiven (gave parole) this man and yet the Church didn't. Ironic because it is normally the other way around Normally.
The Church has forgiven Mr. L. through God. The NCW thinks it can take it back. And by NCW, I mean those who are pulling the puppet strings attached to Apuron.
We mustn't allow the word Church to mean NCW. It's our Church, not Kiko's or Pius'. They are the ones who attempted to retcon the facts and the history
Keep bulldozing them down Tim-one at a time. We are a size SMALL. Our island is too small to lose the Traditional Way of our Catholic Church all because of our Shepherd. I am a sinner but I ain't no fan to mingle with constant works of darkness created by those in authority. And please Tim, if necessary bulldoze down the entire island to put a stop from the abuse within our Catholic Church. God be with you , your family and those who work alongside you trying to put and end to this game in our Church.
Chronophilia is a scourge of many societies and is a travisty and evil perpetrated on the most vunerable in a society. I find Diana's reference both repugnant and revealing. Repugnant in a side swipe at Tim and revealing as the NCW, more than anyone on our Island, seems to know and perhaps perpetrate this crime more than any other group that I can think of. I feel ill even thinking of these people, much like the "fishy fish" of the group known as The Children of God who were pedophiles under the guise of religion.
This evening I received an email containing a selection of statements written by Diana on her blog. I must admit that I find Diana way out of order and rather degrading, base, repulsive, and loathsome and dishonest in her language. People like Diana really lack culture, character and values . It really is very sad that Guam Catholics are led into believing the message of a cult which speaks such language of decay to a community.
Diana is not a "people." As Dona calls it, Diana is a "fictitious character." No sense in arguing with a cartoon or calling on it to "culture and character." Just have fun with it. Mock it. If the best the NCW can produce is a "fictitious character" then we have already won.
Ditto and ditto. There is NO REAL profile on this Diana! I challenged her to list one...nada. I like whoever came up with as "Las Dianas" - like a cheap can of refried beans.
Yes I guess Diana is nothing more than a fictitious character. After all there are no statues of snow white and the seven dwarfs at Versailles. Regnaudin did not know Snow white.
Well, been a good long time since that lady from Malaysia was a girl! Sine the cash is not flowing into RMS, guess she doesn't have too much "bookkeeping " to do. Busy clickety clacking on her keyboard. Sort of pathetic lady from Malaysia.
If Diana is the girl from Malaysia what is her Visa status? What kind of visa to be a " blogger". And a haughty one at that? Who arranges for the flood of visas??? Workers, missionaries, seminarians? If they pay a immigration lawyer, omg. They need a second scrutiny for this alone. That's a lot of moooolah! For sure, for sure. Oh, one more thought, is it me? Or is Diana losing it? Personality change. Serious stuff. Take a break, Diana. Or retire. : )
Diana is a young woman who has been walking for more than 8 years and IS NOT a priest....just a reminder, folks. And by the way, Tim, Diana already claimed that "they won" . Guess we'll see soon enough who actually won. Shoot.
The Dianas were so busy echoing with their self-centred testimonies at their Saturday service that they completely ignored the gospel. While we certainly admonish, we still remain prayerful for these people who insist on being first.
Dianarrhea is not worth our time and attention. Just a bunch of stale air polluting the island breezes. Her ilk are like those sent to the island with a one-way ticket and left to fend for themselves to beg from the generosity of taxpayers. Dianarrhea and company were sanctioned by the Archbishop who does not have the will to extricate himself from the clutches of ncw and readily abandons his responsibility to the wiles of neo jackals. What can I say, we are f...d!
No Diana, you are wrong!!!
ReplyDeleteJohn has many, many friends, unlike you!
at 7:57 PM Not Tim, Timmy and the archbishop were once good friends.is that right Tim ?
Delete@ 2:59-
DeleteYes, he WAS....but you see, Tim was not one of the fools that follow the arch even when he was in the wrong! And being as close as he was to the arch, he has MANY stories to tell.
Yes, I agree Right is Right even when AA & the whole world are not right. We choose to follow the Lord and his Church, not church leaders who lead blindly, are beyond accountability, set bad example, cover up sin and give away property of the poor to the rich , desiring to gain power and recognition from man.
DeleteI Like ''Diana'' :-)
ReplyDelete2:59 AM. You are kept sleepless by the relationship between Tim Rohr and Call Me Tony? How sick can you be? FYI, apuron had some friends but they quietly fell out because apuron 's definition of friends is their urility to him. Most people can smell a user right away so they opt out. Yes, sleepless man, tony uses his friends for his own purposes which is why he attracts people like ncw maniacs who use others to get what they want. "Who is using who" is still a big puzzle in this tragic drama. Capisce?
ReplyDeleteThanks for saying it for me. I never was friends or even friendly with Apuron. The poor man doesn't know how to have friends. People are only useful to him. In fact I received a rather hateful, scathing letter from him in 2000 dismissing me as a columnist from the U Matuna (View from the Pew) and a regular on KOLG. I wish I would have kept it.
DeleteI was "rehabilitated" in 2004 by Dr. Robert Morgan who started the Catholic Evidence Guild in response to the mass exodus of Catholics from Apuron's church. The Guild was the impetus for my bookstore, which Apuron got credit for. Everyone thought he started it. In fact, many thought it was his store and I just worked there. All of this made Apuron look good, so I was useful.
In 2008, Chuck and I started the Esperansa Project. We purposely kept it separate from the church because we saw how inept the church was at effecting anything legislatively pro-life....though there was no limit to what they would do to stop gambling. Because Esperansa was pro-life and successful, Apuron got credit for that too. That's fine.
In 2009 I took on BJ Cruz not to defend the bishop but to defend the church. And as I've already shown, as soon as I knew that the church (Apuron) was hiding something. I quit.
DeleteFor 23 years I have studied Apuron. In all those years he was unable to make what I would call healthy friendships. Infact when I first visited Guam in 1992 I was shocked how most of his friends were altar servers in the Agana Cathedral. He spent most of his time driving around Guam in a Lexus taking altar servers for breakfast. It seemed to be the norm of the day.He did have a friend someone he said was his cousin his name was randy something. He did try to make friends but nothing lasted. In fairness to former bishop camacho he did have good friends in msgr. David and Msgr bibi. I always felt Monsignor David was a somewhat of a good and stable influence on the former bishop. I had personally entertained these people in England so I observed a lot. Priests do need friends of other priest's to help each other. Though when I look back now the two monsignors did not do enough to assist tommy with his issues. They like to eat and drink but I don't think they contributed much to Tommy's human spiritual development. Back to Apuron. He had no priest friends, he tried to make a could of priest's his secretary never lasted. Why? Because he uses people to his own advantage . So when he met old putrid they had much in common. They both used each other. Putrid need a haven to live Apuron offered free room and board plenty of money. Putrid offered him friendship but unhealthy friendship which led to destruction of a church. You see dear people of Guam, your bishop is a very unhealthy human being and because he is unhealthy he led an entire island into dysfunction . Same on Saipan. These Islands had/have one of the most unhealthy episcopal leaders of our church. The best friend Apuron ever had was believe it or not his dog. He loved dogs he treated dogs better than he treated priest's and people. So Tim is right poor man does not have friends. He nears 70 years old but he is a lonely old bitter man this is the sad reality. I think he did try to be friends with Monsignor James but look he threw James under the bus. I always used to say no one can be Apurons friend for he does not know meaning of friendship. He wants it but cannot make good friends. He also gets very jealous of priests who have priest friends. Notice he used to say not nice things about tommy David and bibi. He was jealous. I am a very simple person I spend my evenings in music concerts with my friends and if our readers remember he launched a huge attack into me . I hope one day Guam people really do see the whole picture of the disaster that is happening on their beautiful island. You have a bishop now so out of touch with reality it is frightening. When you have no friends you become like Apuron. You end up befriending the Putrids of our world and this is how hell on earth begins to be created. They created hell on Guam. You are living in their created hell and to some degree we all need to liberate each other from the evil we have all been affected by. They created years of hell in all our lives. That's why we come to this page . In the hope one day people will be free again from these hitlers who have killed the soul of a nation.
And ridiculous DIANA wants to know how "specifically" Archbishop wreaked havoc in people's lives.
Delete4.43pm Diana contributed to the " wrecked havoc " suggest he makes an examination of conscience. That is if he knows the meaning. Conscience examined would lead him to early retirement .
DeleteFather Blockley...Randy is the son of +Tun Reyes; who was an outstanding resident of Agana and Parishioner of the Cathedral Basilica (CB). +Tun Reyes was very helpful during my short tenure as CB Sacristan (87-89). In addition to his full time job, Randy Reyes would voluntarily help facilitate/organize some of the functions at the bishops residence. The altar servers at the time you were assigned to the CB were the son's of AA's brother and my Pare' +Jose Apuron. Two of them were attending the University of Guam (UOG), the youngest still in High School. My Godson and his younger brother, who were at UOG, would often volunteer their free time at both the CB and the Chancery Office....So the kind gesture of taking these altar servers for breakfast is nothing compared to the amount of voluntary work they provided those days.....Prayers from a distance.
DeleteThankyou Richard. That may well be the person . Randy was some kind of a helper
DeleteTo the bishop. I was just surprised at the amount of authority this person had over the
Apuron at the time. In the history of Apuron there was always a male figure that seemed to dominate him. However I hope randy continues to serve the church. But I did observe this person suddenly disappeared so I assume he went to the States.
Regarding altar servers at the time. Some may have been relatives I doubt they all were. Honestly, it's a small point. My point is as far back as 1992 I considered it very
Strange that any bishop or priest would give so much attention to altar servers. I mean
It was breakfast every day . I even wondered if he was part owner of Shirley's coffee shop. It was a bizare situation Apuron was running as far back as 92. others were running him even then. In the history of Apuron there was always a daddy hanging over him. I'm just a simple observer. But I spent a life time studying people and when I study Apuron I see red flags. Sad reality.
May Tun Gonzalo rest in peace. He was like a trusted Chief who soldiered on and did his duties religiously even though he did not always in agree. His attitude and demeanor characterized the admirable qualities of the strong Chamoru man whose authority is not about brute force but about the character of doing whatever needs to get done, no yakking, no whining or venting, just a quiet strength that is readily evident to those who take the time to notice.
DeleteI can't wait to see this document. Please release it in October or better yet, November 1st on All Souls Day! Thank you Tim. Keep the faith! Never mind what these naysayers say okay? Let God guide you through prayerful discernment. You and your family and your prayerful intentions are kept in my daily prayers.
ReplyDeleteWhat document is Anonymous @10:51 a.m. referring to?
ReplyDeleteActually there is more than one. One will be news very soon. The other...waiting. Patience.
DeleteHow about falsely accusing Fr. Paul for starters. Accusing him of not firing a man that he fired two years earlier. The same man Apuron permitted to work at the church 6 years before Fr. Paul even became pastor.
DeleteInjustice indeed not only to Fr. Paul but to the man he was asked to fire. It is ironic that the State has forgiven (gave parole) this man and yet the Church didn't. Ironic because it is normally the other way around Normally.
DeleteThe Church has forgiven Mr. L. through God. The NCW thinks it can take it back. And by NCW, I mean those who are pulling the puppet strings attached to Apuron.
DeleteWe mustn't allow the word Church to mean NCW. It's our Church, not Kiko's or Pius'. They are the ones who attempted to retcon the facts and the history
Keep bulldozing them down Tim-one at a time. We are a size SMALL. Our island is too small to lose the Traditional Way of our Catholic Church all because of our Shepherd. I am a sinner but I ain't no fan to mingle with constant works of darkness created by those in authority. And please Tim, if necessary bulldoze down the entire island to put a stop from the abuse within our Catholic Church. God be with you , your family and those who work alongside you trying to put and end to this game in our Church.
ReplyDeleteChronophilia is a scourge of many societies and is a travisty and evil perpetrated on the most vunerable in a society. I find Diana's reference both repugnant and revealing. Repugnant in a side swipe at Tim and revealing as the NCW, more than anyone on our Island, seems to know and perhaps perpetrate this crime more than any other group that I can think of. I feel ill even thinking of these people, much like the "fishy fish" of the group known as The Children of God who were pedophiles under the guise of religion.
ReplyDeleteThis evening I received an email containing a selection of statements written by Diana on her blog. I must admit that I find Diana way out of order and rather degrading, base, repulsive, and loathsome and dishonest in her language. People like Diana really lack culture, character and values . It really is very sad that Guam Catholics are led into believing the message of a cult which speaks such language of decay to a community.
Diana is not a "people." As Dona calls it, Diana is a "fictitious character." No sense in arguing with a cartoon or calling on it to "culture and character." Just have fun with it. Mock it. If the best the NCW can produce is a "fictitious character" then we have already won.
DeleteDitto and ditto. There is NO REAL profile on this Diana! I challenged her to list one...nada. I like whoever came up with as "Las Dianas" - like a cheap can of refried beans.
DeleteViva las Diana's , Viva!
ReplyDeleteYes I guess Diana is nothing more than a fictitious character. After all there are no statues of snow white and the seven dwarfs at Versailles. Regnaudin did not know Snow white.
Diana, is the girl at RMS, from Malaysia...
DeleteWell, been a good long time since that lady from Malaysia was a girl! Sine the cash is not flowing into RMS, guess she doesn't have too much "bookkeeping " to do. Busy clickety clacking on her keyboard. Sort of pathetic lady from Malaysia.
DeleteIf Diana is the girl from Malaysia what is her Visa status? What kind of visa to be a " blogger". And a haughty one at that? Who arranges for the flood of visas??? Workers, missionaries, seminarians? If they pay a immigration lawyer, omg. They need a second scrutiny for this alone. That's a lot of moooolah! For sure, for sure. Oh, one more thought, is it me? Or is Diana losing it? Personality change. Serious stuff. Take a break, Diana. Or retire. : )
DeleteYes. I've known this since January 2015:
Diana is a young woman who has been walking for more than 8 years and IS NOT a priest....just a reminder, folks. And by the way, Tim, Diana already claimed that "they won" . Guess we'll see soon enough who actually won. Shoot.
ReplyDeleteThe Dianas were so busy echoing with their self-centred testimonies at their Saturday service that they completely ignored the gospel. While we certainly admonish, we still remain prayerful for these people who insist on being first.
DeleteThis post is probably very important. I'm patiently awaiting this document because I am sure it will reveal many things.
ReplyDeletePatience is a virtue indeed. The ones that show that patience will be rewarded.
DeleteBelieve it, it is worth the wait......
A little longer.
Dianarrhea is not worth our time and attention. Just a bunch of stale air polluting the island breezes. Her ilk are like those sent to the island with a one-way ticket and left to fend for themselves to beg from the generosity of taxpayers. Dianarrhea and company were sanctioned by the Archbishop who does not have the will to extricate himself from the clutches of ncw and readily abandons his responsibility to the wiles of neo jackals. What can I say, we are f...d!