Monday, September 21, 2015


Starting at about 12:40

MAE: My only fear is if I divulge this would he (Apuron) hire an attorney here to shut me up?

PATTI: I don’t know. What do you gotta say?

MAE: My father, Enrique Reyes, God rest his soul, had been an altar server until his dying day at 80 some years old. He still wanted to get up and serve Mass. 

My father worked with the bishop (Apuron) who was the priest at that time assigned to Agat (1970's)

So I knew that my father knew something. He worked very closely with the bishop as a priest. He knew something but he never told us, just like the war thing, they never told us these things. So before he died my father mentioned something about not having this bishop come to serve Mass for his funeral. 

So four months ago a gentleman came from off island and I happened to sit down at table for lunch with his mother and some other people in my family. I sat down at table and I don’t know what brought up the conversation that this man when he was a boy also was molested by Bishop Apuron  - a priest at that time

And I was sitting across this gentleman and I looked at him and you should see pain in his eyes. I looked at him - and then the mother - when we brought up that issue that he was molested, the mother slapped the table, the dining table and said, “And that is why my son left the island! 

The conversation continued.


  1. I pray for your father Enrique Reyes.

    Mae, it is important the guy who talked at your table talks to snap. Please will you ask him to call the office of Barbara Doris National office of Snap. Snap is ready to reach out and offer healing to a victim of clergy abuse on Guam.


  2. Tony visited FD school. Parents keep your sons away .

  3. Been watching a lot of Ray Donovan ??????? Tim you need to get SUE

    1. Stop talking and get off your ass and do it then. Can't wait to depose Apuron.

    2. I guess they are not attacking Mae just like they did John. They probably getting to realize it could be true. This is not just John anymore but also another person who identified herself.

    3. They can't attack Mae. She was sitting across the table from the victim who told her himself that he was molested by Apuron.

  4. When the pedophilia scandal erupted a while back in the states some of the victims had been silent for more than 40 years. Let's pray for the local victims. May the Lord bless them with strength and courage. And may He heal their spiritual and psychological wounds.

  5. The only way for victims to talk, is two fold.
    First and essential step, is knowing that your family loves you, and that they shall support you in that struggle.
    Second is getting hold of a victim's association like SNAP or similar group, and get a lawyer, they will help a lot, not only with the legal side, but also with the psychological issues victims have faced and shall continue to face.
    For many victims, this is essential for a full and true recovery. For the families this is the true only way to find your love one back and take care of the pain.
    I shall pray for all of you.

  6. Dear Lay Faithful of the Archdiocese of Agaña Guam and lay faithful across the world, thank you for your courage. I stand with all victims in this tragic events that have happened in our Archdiocese. I will especially pray for these victims to be moved by charity to help others. While it has been years that these events have transpired, I recognize how very difficult these issues can be for some to come forward, but I am by your side and the Church is by your side, standing with you and holding your hand and saying, it is not okay what happened to you and it is not okay to remain silent especially if you are a victim of immense proportions. When I was living off island in the States partly because of these issues, I remembered all the lay faithful who encouraged me to think about priesthood in a very genuine way, their donations to help pay for my education, and I've never forgotten this gesture. While I am not you and you are not me, my hope is that you see the courage of the same Chamorro people who have lived through the ravages of war, some of whom were raped, some of whom were beaten and enslaved. It is their faith that got them through it. I totally understand that It takes a lot for people to come forward, but it really takes just one person. My prayers are still with all of you as we have not only been victim but revictimized over and over, again and again, by people to whom we trusted and revictimized by some who are our relatives who out us. I can only say my friends, is that if you have been a victim or a survivor of Catholic Clergy Sexual Abuse on Guam, I stand by your side and I am totally ready to help assist you in your hour of great need. My hope is that you do find enough courage to come forward and let the truth be known for the truth always sets us free. You do not need to carry this burden alone. You need not fear. All you have to do is remember the kindness that was given to you by that old lady or man who encouraged you to think about being a priest or to be a Catholic. Jesus tells us, Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. And let the Church speak clearly how unacceptable this all is on our island, the shame this has been put upon families. It really is not your fault. Please know that it is never your fault and most importantly, that you are loved! Please help our island and our people! It is time my friends! And it doesn't matter what people really think, what matters is that you know that you are not alone at all and that we are here to support you. And if you choose to remain in the shadows because this all disrupts your life, I am fine with your decision, but I am not fine with the tremendous heartaches of our lay people! To all victims of Oceania, know of my prayers and love and support for you all!

  7. Fr.Matthew Blockley.August 27, 2015 at 10:22 PM

    The body ages but the spirit does not. If the spirit is energized with true values and character it will never grow old. Thank you Mae for your sharing.

  8. This evening the dumb Apuron floated around like a dysfunctional social butterfly in a Franciscan habit. It is a pity he never learnt the spirit of St. Francis in his priestly life and ministry. He was clearly the most hated reviled individual of the evening. It is surprising putrid Pius was not with him . Thank God it would have made the guests vomit their dinner.

    1. He said it loud and clear he can return to the Caps when he retires when Rector Magnificent was here. Get a room ready, Father Pat. Here he comes!!

    2. Traded Franciscan way for THE WAY! Hypocrite in his habit. Emboldened to go where he is not wanted. (Which is practically everywhere) . Give it up Apuron. Hope everyone enjoyed in spite of his presence.

    3. When his presence was announced last night there was no standing ovation, just a quiet clap, clap from a few..He didn't even seem to enjoy the performance..yawn! Yawn! Yawn!.

      Poor Archbishop, probably feels so left out. BIBA Kapuchinu!

    4. I saw a picture posted on Facebook with NEO Cult Presbyter Apuron sitting at table with the Franciscan Brothers. Apuron was busy downing his plate while everyone at the table seem to enjoy the moment. Looked like he wanted to finish his food so he can leave....It must feel sad knowing that his actions have seriously divided the flock he was entrusted to aheperd.

    5. Oh, hate to eat and run. Bye.

    6. "Oh sorry I have to eat and true community awaits me, I derive no pleasure in this non-neo event. Better head over to my European boys whereby they clap, clap, clap to acknowledge my arrival! I just wanted to show off my Franciscan habit fresh from the dry cleaners. Oh me, oh my, so many people who should be at my own birthday dinner. The Friars really are close to the people, and vice-versa! They might not have enough chenchule' to give me when the time comes. Better mobilize my birthday posse so no one competes with my event. I have to make sure we capitalize on more black bags.

    7. Under what nonprofit corporation is this Archbishop's Birthday party falling under? Is it the corporation of the RMS? Is there an other Archdiocese nonprofit organization is falls under? Who is actually running the show?

      Archbishop, if you are throwing this Birthday Party, you as an individual are not a nonprofit organization. You need to report all your chenchule' to Rev and Tax. If you wish to donate the funds you make at the Birthday Party to a nonprofit organization, then you can take it as a tax deduction.

      Something smells fishy here. Where is the money coming from to produce a Birthday Booklet, party favors, entertainments, cost of food? Hope there is enough money in your personal account to cover the expenses. Down payment needed? Where did the money come from? Where? Where? Where?

    8. Korporation Kimchee! But, of course, of course!

  9. Of course. Of course. NEO/NCW Cult Presbyter Apuron must play nice nice to everyone here and there. Must leave an impression that he is still in control of the Islands Catholic Church. The trash bags must be filled at the main event in Nov in order to pay the loan back to Pius for the countless trips to Never....oops...NEO Land.

  10. What a mess Apuron led this archdiocese into. Complete disaster.

    1. Shocking, isn't it. So shocking that the majority of the faithful are DISGUSTED with Apuron.

    2. 10:43 AM. Hardly shocking anymore. What goes on in the once promising Archdiocese of Agana has become a new normal. We have given up on the Vatican to provide solutions to a deeply hurting people. What is disgusting and unacceptable had become a wait-and-see standstill. How sad really, that people are ignored to prop up an institution of corrupt (not even questionable) stewardship. Rotten tomatoes from the very top to the very dregs. "Disgusting" is pointing at each one of us because most of us including myself do not have the courage of our convictions to get out of the "anonymous" ghetto. Woe is us, for we belong to a twisted topheavy church.

    3. Woe to us only if we continue to cower and remain anonymous. What is the worst that could happen to you by coming out and declaring yourself and your stance? Whispers and pointing? I stand up for TRUTH!

  11. "All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing"..B. Franklin…So need more momentum of good men to make it happen and TKO the NEO to its failure.

  12. Sounds like something big is coming down. Are victims finally coming out?

    1. Something big coming down? I'll believe it when I see it.

  13. Archbishop, can you not read the disdain that your former flock have for you. Where are your defenders, you have literally given up everything for your Cult. They made you carry the water for them and "convinced" you to gift them the Yona property for their seminary. You have lost all respect of the people and you are being based daily on Junglewatch. There are only two decent things that you can do at this point. You have to expose your handlers, (The devil made me do it) and for our sake resign. You have lost All respect. You are at this point hurting the position of Archbishop. As long as you try to hold on to that position you will continue to be trashed. You deserve the trashing, but the position you hold does not. Do the right thing and step down. You and Kiko and the entire Sect would not be able to save you from the misdeeds that you have wrought upon the Church.

  14. I disagree that "the devil made me do it" is a good enough excuse, there is responsibility on the part of the person chosen to be the curator of souls, and since the stakes are very high (Eternal Destiny of many of God's sheep), there is much accountability these leaders have to answer to, so much so that no amount of echoing these injustices in front of the community will make them go away or gain the trust of all who have been scandalized by these improper actions or inactions by our current church leaders. God help us all.

  15. Was ARCH at Extraordinary Mass for Pale Eric? Where was he?

    1. He is off-island. Just proves to you somebody else is running the show.

  16. Bringing this crap back again.........Sick f*** get a real life. you know what that is Tim.

    1. Yep. Just for you. I knew you would come back and see. Get a life, coward. Nothing better to do than hang out on my blog! LOL.

    2. Don't forget your blood pressure meds 12:55.

  17. I wonder if they say the Prayer to Blessed Diego and the new Jubilee prayer in Neo masses. Gosh, I couldn't believe me saying this. Neo masses. But it's true. There is our masses and there are Neo masses. What division?

  18. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 11, 2015 at 3:32 PM

    12:55, it's the nut. You're here. Says it all. Kitchen is hot. Sure, threat again. Play?

    1. Hey! suck ass NUT I know this is not Tim. to stupid. Kitchen is hot, sure, ''idiot''

    2. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 12, 2015 at 2:14 AM

      Great job 1:24, you've added a new word "idiot". Tomorrow I'll help you with colors.

  19. NCW are the evangelizers here. They are being persecuted by the natives. Obviously the evangelization by San Vitores and Calungsod did not count. They did not know how faith was in the early church. Too bad. NCW authentic evangelizers. ASK the Pope.

    1. NCW Evangelizers forgot that God was here before their arrival.

    2. Dont kid yourself, How can the NCW say that they are the evangelizers when this has been the mission of the Church since the great commission? See Matt 28:16-20. This is an ongoing mission and task of the Church, unfortunately under AAA's leadership, no catechesis or evangelizing has been taking place, the Office of Faith Formation has not been forming anything or anyone. Marian and Clarios have been getting paid for nada. Then this johnny come lately sect called the NCW infiltrates Guam, re-arranges our furnitures in our home, dictate how we should pray and believe, steal money and property from the natives and you say that you are evangelizing and are being persecuted by the natives? Do you really expect us to just keep quiet let you do as you please, rape us when you like and not say anything? I suggest that you rethink your plan, because it will not be that easy...

  20. Please continue to pray for our unworthy servant His Excellency Archbishop Apuron. May the truth come out!

    1. No prayers will save this ungodly man who continually abused the Chair of Saint Peter though his unending web of lies for earthly gain. He definitely is not a 'servant' nor does he deserve the title 'His Excellency'. His motto of "Service Tuus" should be changed to You will serve me because no one can touch me. For sure, for sure! Joy Joy Joy!

  21. I recently spoke to a woman who is actively in the NCW. She told me that her community does not pay attention to any rambling or that "Tim Rohr guy" Because it was already foretold that they would go through this persecution. They are told to rejoice. I actually feel sorry for her because she will not listen or pay attention to all that is being evidenced. Her catechism and Adrian are very clear to the communities that they are not to believe any of the things being said and ALL of it are lies.

    1. as were the followers of Jim Jones.

    2. And Jim Jones led them to their untimely death.

    3. Is Putrid Pius back yet? Or is he in private meeting off island with his subject Tony Apuron? So how come he broke up with the Tall Woman? What's afoot?

    4. John C. Ada Toves TYPHOONSeptember 12, 2015 at 3:01 PM

      as were the soldiers of Hitler.


    5. May be Putrid and the tall woman went through a divorce. Well, not to worry, the day will come when Island is free of them.

    6. divorce???? Putrid and Pat get a quickie free annulment and go way to your respective homes. Bye.

    7. Anyone for small wager? Is ARCH A Bishop coming back? Or did he bail out, already and we didn't know it?

    8. The archbishop said at his recent anniversary breakfast that Pat is now assigned to Kiribas(an island?). When I asked who is taking care of Pius, the archbishop said seminarians are taking care of him.

    9. Kiribati is sinking. Pat will be fine. She's tall....head above water. People still relieve themselves in the Tarawa Lagoon. Hurry and evangelize, Pat. Not in the lagoon, privacy please. yep, that just wouldn't be right.


    10. 7.29pm the divorce mutual agreement.

  22. O, shall we proceed with the big birthday party plans?

  23. Please keep this at the top if you can. Thanks.

  24. Tun Enrique and Tun Gonzalo are brothers. They both took what they knew about Apuron to the grave, or did they?

  25. I hope Tommy Tanaka will respond appropriately to Zoltan's write up on the PDN. They feel very threatened. Keep at it CCOG! Keep at it Tim! Protect Holy Mother Church from these Neocatechuemenal Way infidels!

    1. No need for Tom to respond. Slogan has done more to discredit himself and the NCW than anything Tom could do in reply. Zoltan's little rant is good timing, however. yku should see it in a day or two.

    2. What Zoltan fails to see is the fact that Tommy is highly respected by many, especially by the local people. Does Zoltan and his handlers really think that the local people will ignore Tom and listen to them instead?

  26. 'The church will become small and will have to start afresh more or less from the beginning.
    She will no longer be able to inhabit many of the edifices she built in prosperity. As the number of her adherents diminishes...she will lose many of her social privileges...As a small society, the Church will make much bigger demands on the initiative of her individual members….
    It will be hard-going for the Church, for the process of crystallization and clarification will cost her much valuable energy. It will make her poor and cause her to become the Church of the meek...The process will be long and wearisome as was the road from the false progressivism on the eve of the French Revolution — when a bishop might be thought smart if he made fun of dogmas and even insinuated that the existence of God was by no means certain...But when the trial of this sifting is past, a great power will flow from a more spiritualized and simplified Church. Men in a totally planned world will find themselves unspeakably lonely. If they have completely lost sight of God, they will feel the whole horror of their poverty. Then they will discover the little flock of believers as something wholly new. They will discover it as a hope that is meant for them, an answer for which they have always been searching in secret.
    And so it seems certain to me that the Church is facing very hard times. The real crisis has scarcely begun. We will have to count on terrific upheavals. But I am equally certain about what will remain at the end: not the Church of the political cult, which is dead already, but the Church of faith. She may well no longer be the dominant social power to the extent that she was until recently; but she will enjoy a fresh blossoming and be seen as man’s home, where he will find life and hope beyond death.'--Pope Benedict XVI, Faith and the Future (2009)
    Pope Benedict XVI, pray for us!

    1. Neo-Free Guam (World)September 21, 2015 at 1:32 PM

      The Church indeed has going through challenges such as this over the ages, Jesus Christ did say that The Gates of Hell will not prevail against it. The Holy Spirit will guide our Church through this. The Devil try as he might can seemingly make gains, but in the end The Church and our Faith will prevail. NCW will again be a small asterisk as a wanna be Sect. It will crash and burn like the other heresies of the past. Kiko, your prideful phony. Wishful thinking. Never figured that Guam will be your Waterloo. Rome now has to take notice of your destructive antics and other areas will begin to mount pushback also. Your days are numbered on Guam.

  27. For all you NEO people that have posted on this blog and have been called the salt and light of the world, you all sure have such dirty mouths. Maybe you need to pour some of that salt in your mouths for some extra cleansing. Hypocrites, you are all weak, naive and vulnerable hypocrites. May God have mercy on your souls. Biba Katoliku, BIBA!!!

    James T.

  28. Is his majesty Apo'wrongee back from Kiko's Birthday Party? Was Cunnilingus handing out party favors?

    Did Apo'wrongee escort the Pope to Cuba? Was he part of the invited guests to Philly? Where o where is he?

    1. Call me Tony can be found where the "Boys" are. Near, far, wherever they are.

  29. Way to go Tim, continue the pressure. Rome, will not react, I am guessing that we are left to our own resources to rid our Church of this cancer. Disappointing, but the fight must not only be fought, but also won, even without Rome's intervention, sad indeed. They seem to be more interested in protecting their own, not withstanding the damage it is causing the Laity. They seem to continue to prop up a disgraced bishop. In any organization, once the leader lost the support of the people then removal is imminent. Does Rome not realize the damage that this situation has wreaked. Property belonging to the Guam laity, has been stolen, and Rome remains silent. Go figure.... Rome, we are disappointed by your inaction, but know well, that we will continue this fight to rid Guam of this Sect. It is not for us for we know better and nothing the Neo can do will change us. We are indeed fighting for all those generations who follow us. (our precious children and grandchildren)

    1. There is the errant assumption that Rome CAN do something. It can't. Bishops are pretty much all powerful. And with the current pope publicly demeaning the role of the papacy and relegating his own office to that of only "Bishop of Rome," Apuron was right on in saying "no one can get me." Rome can only act on a bishop when there is a provable crime." There are no doubt provable crimes, but Apuron has always counted on bullying you all into silence...or at least anonymity. So far he has been right. The only force Apuron has to reckon with is public outrage. And so far he has been successful at keeping it confined to anonymous comments on this blog. The only possible way forward at this point is to fund the CCOG. And it is up to the CCOG to take immediate and diligent action since it has asked for the trust and support of the public.

      Meanwhile, my mission isn't just to get rid of Apuron and get the property back. My mission is to send warning shots around the world about the real evil. Apuron is just a blackhead pimple on Kiko's butt as far as I'm concerned. So the longer this goes, the more people learn about Kiko the Anti-Christ.
