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The communication states that the Archdiocese of Agana will commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Closing of the Second Vatican Council on January 6, 2016. It also says that the same Liturgy will observe the promulgation of the Conciliar Decree, Ad Gentes.
Apparently history had to be rewritten to compensate for Brother Tony's travel plans or someone just thought of this at the last minute, since the Universal Catholic Church ALREADY celebrated the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Closing of the Second Vatican Council on December 8, 2015 - a date chosen by Pope Francis to open THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY.
POPE FRANCIS: "I have chosen the date of 8 December because of its rich meaning in the recent history of the Church. In fact, I will open the Holy Door on the fiftieth anniversary of the closing of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council."Misericordiae Vultus, BULL OF INDICTION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY JUBILEE OF MERCY
Moreover, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the promulgation of the decree, Ad Gentes, was December 7, 2015. So we're a month late on that as well.
Brother Tony says that he is calling this special celebration "per the instructions communicated to us by the Vatican Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples to all the missionary dioceses scattered throughout the world."
Why would the Vatican Congregation call for such an anniversary celebration in a year and month different than when these events actually happened and completely different than when the rest of the Universal Catholic Church and the pope himself actually celebrated them?
Anyway, Brother Tony wants you all to cancel your Masses for that day and run down to the Cathedral so you can pose as a backdrop to another "make me look wonderful" photo op - even if the date has NOTHING to do with what he says it does. But then it's a different church, isn't it.
As for me and mine, we'll be celebrating the REAL Feast of the Epiphany, the Twelfth Day of Christmas, on that day. But certainly not at what used to be the Cathedral.
man talk about short notice. it doesn't sound like the clergy knew about this event before the letter was sent.
ReplyDeletethe "ad gentes" highlight indeed makes this smell like a photo op for a neocat magazine and something to show off to the powers in rome and elsewhere.
Exactly. They use "ad gentes" as their calling card - but radically violate everything it says...mostly because few know what it says.
Deleteanother Key Stone Cop example. Could this people ever get it right. AAA do the right thing and resign.
ReplyDeleteEven more troubling is their call as a missionary diocese.... there remains an island shortage; yet we prostitute foreign Presbyters that spread the Gospel according to KIKO not only on Guam; but to who knows where.
ReplyDeleteRight. I may do a separate post on that. We're a "mission diocese" yet we send out missionaries - some like Wadeson and now Louie, for the rest of their lives.
DeleteIt's funny cause I'm beginning to think this letter was written by Adrian for brother Tony's signature. I'm even laughing cause they are a MONTH late and a DIME short. Probably needing more funds for another mission.
ReplyDeleteYou’re right! AAA’s December 31. 2015 to the clergy and religious of the archdiocese is full of holes – and that it putting it mildly!
ReplyDelete•Is the (arch)diocese of Agana really a missionary diocese? I guess for the purpose of receiving monies from the Extension Society, it is – right? But for the purposes of honor and prestige we are an archdiocese like the Archdiocese of New York or Boston (except we don’t have a Cardinal Archbishop – so sad!) that can afford to send out missionaries!
•You will be holding a “solemn celebration of the Holy Eucharist”. What’s the matter – can’t say “we will be concelebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with the priests of the archdiocese”? Is it that difficult to say “holy SACRIFICE”? Against Kiko’s theological teaching – right? “Celebrating” not only sounds nicer, but in conformity with the theology of Kiko – right? Are we now going to be referring to our Sunday worship no more as Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, but “Holy Celebrations” instead? Which is more correct – Kiko or GIRM?
•”I ask, if at all possible, that you cancel your “mass” (small “m” – another Freudian slip, or has the “Mass” now been downgraded?). Why not issue a formal decree? A decree carries more weight than an invitation! You did issue a decree recently adding the sainted parents of St. Therese of Liseux as co-patrons of Santa Teresita Church. Not enough time for a decree, right? Or were you just being polite to your priests – by just “inviting” them? I think there are much more “nicer” ways of being polite to priests like Fr Paul Gofigan, Monsignor Benavente, Fr Efren Adversario, Deacon Martinez, exiled-Filipino priests, AFC members, RMS donor.
•You were “only asking” your priests. Would they be violating their vow of obedience if they didn’t come? I’m not referring to the “spirit of obedience”; I’m talking about the mandatory vow of obedience. Would you hold it against those who decided not to come; to respectfully decline your invitation? Or would they “marked men” otherwise?
•You did have to use the phrase “grow in our love for MISSIONARY activity”; “missionary”, we all know is a buzz word of the NCW. Nothing wrong with it, but is it the most appropriate word? How about “for making disciples of all nations (His own words)”?
• “In order to fulfill our baptismal calling to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ…” Great! No bones to pick with this! I know that Baptism is another buzz word with the NCW. But in your next exhortation, would you remind your priests to stand up and defend their faith (and their liturgy), as they are required to do by virtue of being made Soldiers of Christ at Confirmation, on top of being “liturgically correct” when they perform the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, by virtue of their ordination.
IF THIS IS BEING DISRESPECTFUL, look into the mirror and see what disrespectful really is! (jrsa: Jan 5, 2016)
The letter has NEO written all over it. Therefore, I will not be attending!