Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Posted by Chuck White

If you happen to find yourself in one of several Neocatechumenal "catechetical" sessions starting up on the island now, you'll soon be taught a very peculiar interpretation of the story of the healing of the blind man in the ninth chapter of the Gospel of John.  The twisting of this scripture should serve as a warning to you...Read more.


  1. Please let us pray that this desperate, new endeavour of the NCW will fizzle out on Guam-that the fruit will be zero-that the community members will come to accept that when their efforts fail that AB Byrnes and the Pope retain the authority of Christ. May we all have the humility to be obedient to the Pope including all church leaders and catechists

  2. Excellent piece.
    Good research and demonstrations of the
    Typical bait and switch the Neos perform on fragile souls

    1. They bait you with the promise of being a better Catholic through their catechesis. They usually start with the Holy Spirit and dropping Jesus' name all over the place; that the Pope approved the NCW. Once you take the bait they will sink the hook deeper until escape becomes very difficulty, then it will be Kiko's name mentioned over and over until you believe he's a prophet and closer to God than the Pope or anyone else.

    2. Or closer to God than Jesus.

  3. Perhaps our scriptural scholar may provide the right interpretation of this blind man healing story. How about it AB? Yours, Chuck's, or Kiko,s?

  4. I don't understand why we are pitting the teaching of one man, Kiko against the teaching of the Church? The "Church" is the PILLAR and FOUNDATION of TRUTH, founded by Christ himself. Who is Kiko? Who ordained him to say thus says the Lord? Scripture tells us "First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation" 2 Pet 1:20. Chuck demonstrated that when Kiko the leader of the NCW relies on himself to interpret scripture, we clearly see that he is out in left field. Members of the NCW who follow Kiko's interpretation are also led astray, clearly a case of the blind leading the blind, why? because Kiko himself tells us that he purposely throws mud in their eyes, therefore they are unable to see the truth for what it is. Listen to the Church, it is the absolute, Kiko is only a man.

  5. Kiko is a demon disguised as a prophet in their sect. His twisted interpretations of the Word of God brings people back to the times of the Mosaic Law and teaches lukewarm Catholics the Old Testament. His catechists are also lukewarm missionaries that have fallen into this trap. Kiko likes to target the vulnerable, naive and troubled Catholics. He gives them a sense of belonging and pride whereas the Word of God teaches us to love one another and to be humble. Kiko's theology makes his followers boastful and ignorant like Rudee and Tony boy.

  6. Bulllseye, 5:32 PM! You hit that one dead-center.
