As you may be aware, news has leaked from Rome that the Italian police have arrested a high-ranking Vatican monsignor who is the personal secretary to one of Pope Francis’ closest collaborators after they caught him hosting a cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy in a building right next to St. Peter’s Basilica.
I am neither outraged or surprised, except to wonder why he was arrested. What's wrong with a gay orgy? What's wrong with any orgy? in this "enlightened" world where your sex life is supposed to be nobody's business, particularly in an ultra liberal society like Italy's. I guess maybe it was the cocaine. (I'm being facetious for those who may need this to be explained.)
I only bring up the story because the dude who was arrested, Monsignor Luigi Capozzi (left), is personal secretary to Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio (right) who is the President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.
You may remember that back in April of 2015, Apuron had published in the Umatuna an article stating that he had opinions from a Denver law firm as well Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts that the Yona property had not been alienated by Apuron's secretly recorded 2011 Deed Restriction.
In November of 2016, I was finally able to unearth a copy of the opinion from the Council, and discovered that it was nothing other than another neocat sham. The text of the opinion was written by Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru, Secretary to the Council, and dictated practically verbatim by The Stinking Monk. Chinchetru wrote:
“The actual dynamics of the facts, according to the testimony of the Carmelite priest (Fr. Pius Sammut) who managed the affair at the time…”
And what's more, the whole document was an absolute testament to the cancerous ineptitude pervading the Vatican which is now surfacing as cocaine-fueld gay orgies hosted at a Vatican palace. I wrote a full four-part expose of Chinchetru's comically and tragically inept exercise in covering for an act of theft by one of his brother bishops (Apuron) here.
And this is one more reason why we must NOT look to Rome to fix our Church, but to look first to Heaven and then to ourselves.
Perfect timing! We march in the last picket on Sunday and then go to Rome to start a new picket. Here is a list of possible signs to carry:
ReplyDeleteCapozzi OUT!
Stop The Orgies!
Put Your Pants On!
Pepsi, Not Cocaine!
Thanks For Taking The Spotlight Away From The Archdiocese of Agana!
Need A Trained Lawyer? Call Guam!
Business as usual. I used to live in Rome. 98% of the Catholic priests there are gay, bishops included.
ReplyDeleteThis might be an unfair generalization. A big number of Catholic priests in the Eternal City are dedicated intellectuals and great leaders, albeit some of them have gathered moss and never stepped into the light. The latter are better off if sent back to their respective dioceses where they can actually WORK! Please, 6:46 PM, be careful when you make assumptions. Living in a certain place does not give you an exact read of percentages except If you actually conducted a poll of Catholic priests asking each one of them if they were gay. I can imagine the stares you got, asking priests, "Are you gay?" Yeah, and I am sure they would be perfectly candid in their answer, correct? That, or your own gaydar was working overtime, attending to this mundane concern.
Delete2:54 PM you sound like one of those mewling, puking Neos who kisses Apuron's fat ass. Always making excuses for perverts.
DeleteThis is really happening in the Catholic' home base (The Vatican)? So sick?
ReplyDeleteAnon 8:42 AM, the Vatican has always been decadent and corrupt. Obscene excesses of the Renaissance entrenched the perversions and hypocrisy seen there today. It will only get worse because of their insatiable greed.
DeleteBad priests started with Judas. And JESUS picked (emphasis) him.
DeleteWhat in the he name of God is going on in the Church??
ReplyDeleteAs it was predicted or written, where people will turn against the church! This is the start of that prediction! This is happening because of the greedy SOB in the Vatican!
ReplyDeleteDear Follower 12:45 PM,
Deletesome people are so disgusted with scandals and corruption in the church they leave and don't look back. Some people opt for a different path: working to clean out the filth that exists in our beloved church. Each person of faith is faced with this choice. Either way it's a heart wrenching decision. Let's pray for more people to choose the more difficult path: saving our church from rotting within.
There is another option: sitting on the fence and watching as a spectator. I did this for a long time but nothing improved. So I joined a group of people who wanted the church to be as Christ intended. We rolled up our sleeves and started doing the hard work. By the grace of God things started to improve. There is still much work to be done. Think of what can be accomplished if more "fence sitters" got up and did something. We so often hear complaints. We so seldom see any action.
Follower at 12:45pm, 7/8/17 = That prediction may well be happening now where people will turn against the church, because the church they see is no longer the Church it should be = "the Communion of Saints". Unless the trend is reversed and or eliminated (NEOs out; clergy sex abuse curbed; revival of the Faith and practices of the Catholic Church members in Guam) there might well be a silent schism going on in the Church right now. Let's pray for Archbishop Byrnes; he seems to be on the right track toward addressing and resolving these three things.
ReplyDeleteThe expression on Cdl Coccopalmeria's face is a picture! Well he has got staff like Bp Arrieta-Chinchetru and Capozzi!
ReplyDelete(Follow the link at right to see how Bp Arrieta admits in a gleeful, Teilhardian way that the NCW isn't a "recognisable" itinerary of formation nor do the RMSs "recognisably" form priests.)
Austin. Please provide the link.