Over the last two weeks, I posted two expose about the passing of an old mentor and friend.
spin vs reality
Amicus meus
I pointed how this man of great integrity and humility, had become one of our strong and selfless protector. Something we needed dearly these past few years.
The void created by his departure, after serving faithfully three Popes, will certainly be felt.
The jockeying for his replacement has already started. In fact it had started for weeks already, while he was in his final days, at a specialized facility on the Eastern Coast.
Therefore I was not surprised that one of the major Catholic website in the USA: The Pilot. (The oldest Catholic Newspaper in the USA) which falls under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Boston, and its boss, Cardinal Sean as he likes to be called; decided to do an article on the subject.
We have exposed here on many occasions how Cardinal O'Malley (often called O'Money, for his talent to raise large amounts), has become one of the best Champions of the Neos, both in the USA (where his influence is considerable) and abroad (he sits on many commissions and congregations at the Vatican, and is on the board of Domus Galilae in Israel)
It is one of the reasons, I often check on what is posted on his blog, because it often more than not, reflects the issues he wants to put forward. It is through this media that he launched a stringent attack against Pope Francis regarding the Pope clumsy handling of the abuses by the Clergy in Chile.
I was interested to read yesterday an article by Vaticanist journalist Marco Mancini, titled: " The Church is without a camerlengo" that you can read Here
I shall come back at a later date to explain who Marco Mancini is.
None the less it is very telling that the Pilot, ergo Cardinal Sean decided to post this article.
I shall keep you updated on this subject as it evolves.
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