Thursday, October 22, 2015


"The Diana", in an attempt to defend once again the theft of the Yona property by Archbishop Apuron, reprinted a Q&A with Pius the Putrid which was printed last August in the Pacific Daily News. Thanks Diana. You give us the opportunity, once again, to demonstrate why we call him "Pius the Putrid."

Here are excerpts of the answers from Father Pius Sammut.
Q: Did the Neocatechumenal Way attempt to influence the transfer of title to the former Accion Hotel property in Yona from the Archdiocese of Guam to an entity whose officers are members of the Neocatechumenal Way?
A: Actually it is the other way around. The purchase of the Accion Hotel was proposed by the Neocatechumenal Way to the archbishop, because in order to start the seminary and an institute, there was a need for rooms for 30 to 40 seminarians, 10 faculty professors, four classrooms, a library for 20,000 volumes, a chapel. The money for the purchase of the hotel was donated to the archdiocese by an off-island benefactor who offered it with the explicit intention of erecting the seminary and the theological institute. The previous owner of the hotel sold it for just $1.9 million with the proviso that the building be used as an educational facility. Actually, the archdiocese did not put down a penny.
By stating that it was the Neocatechumenal Way which proposed the purchase of the property, Pius confirms that there was never any intent to establish a seminary to form genuine diocesan priests, something we are all now witnessing. 

He then states that the donation was given with the "explicit intention of erecting the seminary (meaning a Neocatechumenal Way seminary) and the theological institute (meaning the Blessed Diego Institute)." Those who were involved with the acquisition of the property and the direct solicitation of the donor would tell you otherwise. The donation was given with nothing other than a note stating "for the purchase of a defunct hotel for the purpose of a seminary." Also, there was no condition that the donation be returned should the archdiocese decide to do otherwise with the property at some point in the future. 

This also contradicts the letter from the head of the Carmelite order in St. Louis through whom the donation was given who wroteDear Archbishop Apuron, in 2003 when the said "funds" were donated, we had absolutely no knowledge of these entities (like Redemptoris Mater Seminary, the Neo-catechumenal Way, or the Theological Institute for the formation of priests), not to speak of any specific intention whatsoever to relate this donation to them. In fact, we did not even know of these lay organizations, so naturally we could not direct anything to them by name. It was our sole intention to help the people of Guam to provide a property for a seminary for the formation of priests for the Church in Guam.

Not knowing that there was such a thing as the Neocatechumenal Way the Superior of the St. Louis Carmelite Order could have only believed that she was directing the donation to the establishment of a genuine diocesan seminary, something RMS, as per its articles of incorporation, is NOT. 

Conclusion: Pius is a Liar. 
PIUS: Regarding the transfer of the title, the legal adviser of the archdiocese, five years ago, asked that the title be transferred to the Redemptoris Mater Corp. to respect the intention of the donor and to safeguard the property. This corporation is a 'corporation sole' where there is only one member, namely the archbishop, who has all power. He is assisted by a board of directors who (oversees) the daily administration. The only member, namely the archbishop, chooses all directors. Then there is a board of guarantors that guarantees that the corporation follows the original purpose for which it was created. The Archbishop chooses, confirms, or dismisses freely these guarantors.
Here Pius confirms that there was in fact an intent to transfer the title to RMS. However, he's really a big fat Liar here. It was not the "legal adviser of the archdiocese" who told the archbishop to transfer the title. It was Pius himself - in cahoots with Gennarini. We know it was not the "legal advisor" (Atty. Ed Terlaje) because we have a copy of the agenda for the finance council meeting of September 7, 2011 containing the warning of Atty. Terlaje to the archbishop NOT to transfer the title without amending the articles of incorporation lest he "relinquish ultimate control of the asset." Apuron ordered the finance council to transfer the title without amending the articles, meaning he had full knowledge that he was "relinquishing control of the asset." See the agenda here

He is also lying about RMS being a corporation sole. We know this because the articles of incorporation for RMS do not indicate that it is a corporation sole, but a normal non-profit corporation, which by law, means it is governed by its board of directors, not its members, even if it is only one member. The only thing Apuron can do as the sole member is appoint or terminate the members of the board - and only as per the by-laws which require noticing. He cannot make any decisions related to the actual running of RMS except for his (current) 1/5 vote as one of five members of the board. 

Pius is also lying about the archbishop choosing or dismissing the guarantors. We know this because the RMS by-laws require that the "responsible team" for the United States always be among the guarantors. Apuron has no control over who those team members are. We also know this because Attorney Bronze found that the board of guarantors is “a separate, unelected, and un-removable board having veto power over (the) board of directors, the officers, and the sole member, the Archbishop of Agana and his successor.” See full opinion here

Conclusion: Pius is a LIAR. 
PIUS: So the Neocatechumenal Way does not and cannot -- by reason of its statutes -- possess the seminary but simply ensures the formation. ... The whole discussion on the property of the Accion Hotel began two to three years ago because certain individuals wanted to sell the building to pay their debts. Actually the archdiocese is only supporting 3 or 4 percent of the seminary's budget, while the rest is supported by Catholics from all over the world including different foundations and Propaganda Fide.
Pius is lying again. First since when do "certain individuals" have the authority to sell diocesan property? They don't. Only the archbishop could authorize such a transaction - that is so long as the property was within the corporation sole of his office. Ironically, because the property is now NOT under the auspices of the corporation sole and is now under the governance of a non-profit corporation legally separate from the Archdiocese of Agana, the property can NOW be sold by the RMS board of directors, and as per the by-laws, can do so before Apuron would have a chance to replace them. 

Conclusion: Pius is a LIAR. 


  1. Tim, Thank you for your untiring work and commitment in exposing these frauds. They almost got away with it and we, the faithful would have been no wiser. We have never challenged the Archbishop, for all our lives we learned to trust that he is duty bound to act in the best interest of his people. Without your work, we will wake up one day to the fact that the Way has hi-jacked our faith. Apuron what were you thinking of ???? You have totally betrayed the trust and even the ones who choose not to believe that you could have betrayed your faith and your people, because of the mounds of facts and evidence have also lost their trust in you. Apuron, you no longer deserve our respect. Please do the only decent things to do and that is resign and admit that you have betrayed your trusting flock. Thanks Time, you set the alarm bells before it was too late for us to react. It is now up to Rome to take action. We all fail to see that while we are badly divided, that Rome is tone deaf. Guam to Rome, We will not remain silent while the Way tries to destroy our faith and traditions. WE HAVE SEEN THE WAY AND WE SAY RESOUNDINGLY NO WAY--Never. Tim Rohr-thank you for being our Paul Revere.

    1. You are welcome. But it is NOT up to Rome. That's what Apuron wants you to think because he knows Rome cannot do anything. It is up to YOU.

    2. Where are former walkers of the way?? Still afraid of Putrid Pius? Say something!

  2. Nature of God discussion over. Now we discuss the nature of Putrid Pius

  3. What can we do? Rome has the sole power to remove this disgraced bishop. Please suggest ways we as a people can do to remove him, his presbyters,pius, diana and all the other imposters to the Faith.

    1. You call into radio stations, write letters to the editor, participate in the public protests, contribute to the CCOG, get others to do the same. And most of all STOP THE MONEY.

      Our biggest problem right now is not the Neo's, but people in parishes who think they are safe. That's exactly what Pius the Putrid wants them to think because they will keep giving and Apuron will keep taking.

  4. Any film director out there interested in making a movie out of this story and more about Guam Catholic Church run by the Archbishop Apuron, it's little secrets and how his faithful flock became divided . I would surely pay to watch it. The people of Guam deserves to know the TRUTH and are sick of the cover ups. Afterall, Jesus is the Light, the Word and the Truth. Are we a follower to Jesus' Word, Archbishop!?

  5. Who the hell is Pius that we should listen to him or the lies that he spews. He might be the authority for Diana and their cult, for many of us he is an outsider who has no business dictating anything in our homeland.

    This clown arrives on island, stays at the bishop's residence on the dime of Guam faithful's and then becomes an authority for the Church, telling us what we must believe all the while our spineless shepherd along with clueless church leaders become spectators while these crooks rape and pillage the Guam church from within.

    Its time for us to wake up and realize what damage this cult is inflicting upon our island and families all for their self serving agendas.

    1. Who the hell is Pius? Why, he's Apuron's personal spiritual advisor and catechist. That's who he is. STOP THE MONEY!

    2. Director of his soul during the entire persecution. Stop the money. Not one non- neo at that party. Not one. No matter WHO u are.

  6. Fr. Matthew BlockleyOctober 22, 2015 at 9:52 AM

    I had the unfortunate experience of meeting this Fr. Pius shortly after my ordination in 1996. My personal record of him is very clear in my mind. Firstly, I was blown away by his very poor hygiene and bad BO. I mean bad he smelt like rats and cockroaches all mixed together. I did manage to overcome his BO because I am a naturally kind respectful person. However, the more I listened to him my intuition gut feeling was not good. I sensed a person who was dishonest and I kept him at arms length. I continued to observe him and I came to the conclusion there was something psychologically wrong with him. At one time I would have said this man is evil. But as the years I passed I grew in compassion and the desire to build the compassionate society to which I belong. Today I would say there is an absence of good in his life.
    As I explained to readers before my dealings with Putrid Pius were disturbing to say the least. I had opposed him several times . As a result of this I know he was behind at attempted plot to have me killed. This information was all passed to the Holy See .
    When I made my formal complaints about Putrid obviously I was seen like an airhead that is the price I paid for speaking truth. But look at what he has done in the past 15 years and facts alone show that he is not an honest decent person.
    Seceral times I read Archbishops letter to the Rev. mother Prioress of the St. Louis Carmel. I have studied Apuron for 20 years because I had reason to do so. I also strongly believe in Justice. By studying the language of the letter signed by the Archbishop to the St. Louis Carmel I concluded that letter was not composed by Archbishop. The use of his written English style was not his. I believe that letter was written by Putrid Pius. It smelt of his deceitful and dishonest ways. For this reason I can say with Absoloute certainity that Putrid is a Liar. He was a cheat and a liar since his arrival on Guam. He has caused deep division in the church and I suspect does blackmail the Archbishop into doing things that even the Archbishop may not want to have done. The Archbishop I believe has been blackmailed by Putrid and because of this sold the priests and people of Guam to the NCW. Most people would say Putrid is evil. But I would say he is a liar with the absence of good in his life.

  7. Hint! Hint!
    At the danger of repeating myself, let me underline once more, the following:
    Pius used to be the superior of his order on Malta. He was expelled and moved to Ontario Canada.
    He was transferred rapidly to Guam in the middle of the night.

    Why was that? Certainly not because he was demonstrating any of the Catholic values and virtues, he likes to lecture people about.
    Even his order does not want him back. (see petition to recall Pius and subsequent debate)

    Pius is one of the most corrupt, vile, and manipulating person, one can meet during their lifetime.
    He incarnates, all that is wrong in the clergy in the last 60 years.
    He is a con man, he has no moral bearing of any kind, and he is using his "status" to abuse, and spoil the people around him
    The NCW has become a refuge for "priest" with low to no moral character, which they use as their willing servants to do their bidding. (See Wadeson, or the Archdiocese of Newark abuse scandal)
    Only blackmail, and fear have allowed Pius to get away with this for years. And of course the complicity of certain prelates.
    Only one advise: Stay as far away from this putrid image of dishonesty and abuse.
    What Fr Blockley characterized as Pius bad body odor, is only the sulfuric emanation from satan himself.
    Va de retro Pius.....

    1. Long curled yellow toenails filled with dirt of the road where he has been walking the face of the earth swindling people.

  8. Funny, you mentioned BO with Pius, he and OJ must use the same cologne - toilet water..Wonder why Putrid moved out of the bishop's residence into the RMS - could he be taking on new leadership role, or perhaps feeling the heat and getting ready to fly the coop.

    1. Valet, nurse, all at his service. Brownie points. Seminarians will be falling kicking over each other to cut toenails.

    2. 2:21 sob, sob, Tall woman gone away.

  9. Detras de la cruz esta' el diablo, y donde vive el diablo esta' el Pio de ncw.

    1. Vemos claramente y sabemos primero de mano lo que Pius el Podrido, el diablo hace a nuestra isla, nuestro esfuerzo debe echarlo.


  10. Can someone translate 3.36pm and 4.03pm.

    1. 3:36: behind the Cross is the devil and the devil is where you live pio NCW.

    2. 4.03 : We see clearly, and we know first hand what Pius the Putrid, the Devil, does to our island. Our efforts must throw him out.

  11. Liars have little beady eyes and a really big nose. Pius and Tony both fit the profile. Kiko also is a liar but his NCW cult keep turning a blind eye to that because of the psychological abuse that they've been put through during their scrutinies. Truth hurts but it will also set you free if you let it. Peace.

  12. 4:03: we see clearly and know first hand what Pius rotten, the devil makes our island, our effort should throw.
