Friday, December 23, 2016


Now that Mother Dawn Marie has done a personal "tell all" about the truth of the origin of the TWO MILLION DOLLAR donation used to pay off the mortgage note on the Yona property, it is interesting to look back on what I wrote about it two years ago. It's almost exactly as Mother Dawn Marie stated two years later on November 15, 2016. 

In fact, Patti Arroyo made a one and only personal appearance on the blog to ratify the account as I had stated it:

I have spoken personally with Mother Dawn Marie on this. All reported above on the "deal" for Redemptoris Mater Seminary is true, especially the part about the notion that the Carmelites had an extra 2 million laying around. Because the conditions of the "gift", not loan were violated people think the Carmelites don't need help. In fact, they live on $30 each a day and Mother Dawn Marie is currently scouring the country for financial support. If anyone is interested in a the Carmelites. It's the most productive, personal effort you can make to help fix an otherwise out of control holy war.

The reason my account was so accurate is because it was not a secret. It was widely known exactly how the money was procured and who procured it. However, once we exposed what Pius and Apuron had done with the money - created a neocat only seminary and then conveyed away title to the property - Pius, Adrian, and The Diana sprang into action with a campaign of lies even saying that the donor was a local neocat. 

The lies, the lies, the lies.

But while Pius, Adrian, Apuron, David, The Diana, Tricky Dick et al have all been proven liars, Guam's Carmelite community suffered irreparable damage in more ways than just financial. We cannot bring them back but we can still say Thank You. Please see the note in the top right side bar as to one way you can do that. 


  1. i second that. please support our guam Carmelites.

  2. Usually at this time of the year, we make New Year's Resolutions for the coming year. Let's make the resolution of giving the Carmelites something each month from now on.

  3. Is the zip code for the mailing address of the Carmelites correct?

  4. Mother Dawn we love you. Please come back to Guam. Bring home the sisters.

  5. From the USoA - Growing up on Guam many many years ago, I have always admired the Carmelites for their devotion to praying 24/7 especially for the Catholics on Guam and all over the world. I was saddened when they left Guam but I can understand the toxic environment that they were under. To the Sorry Excuse of a Human Being called Diana who said that the Carmelites were too old to take care of the younger Carmelites, you do not know what you are talking about! The mature generation have more Wisdom and Knowledge than you have in your sorry human pinkie. I cannot believe there is someone like you still breathing the air on Guam! My Karma is Awesome and I am Waiting for It to Come Around for YOU! Be on the Look Out Diana!

  6. JDR 6:20 AM..I'm with you 100 % plus more on this one...what goes around ( good or Evil deed) comes back 10 times fold....BE ON THE LOOK OUT DIANA AND ALL THE OTHER DIANA OUT THERE..
