Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Trouble in Barrigada?

Received as a message:
"A teacher at San Vicente said that all the teachers there have been told to reapply."


  1. This should have been done at closing of 2014-2015 School Year or each employee interview prior to closing of School year and let each know who will be returning and which will be release.

    What is going on with San Vicente School?

    1. I agree with your view. This should've been done when the school year was over, not when the school year was about to begin. Horrible timing and a blow to the morale of the faculty. One of the comments below suggest that this could be a way for the principal to "screen her teachers." If they're existing faculty, or newly hired experienced faculty, their principal would have more than enough evidence to screen them via their personnel jackets/yearly evaluations. I'm not a lawyer, but this sounds like a case of employment discrimination if it were true.

      Let's hope this isn't the case.

  2. There's a Neo principal there now. Maybe she wants to screen her teachers? Wouldn't be surprised if all the teachers she hires are NEO.

    1. Principle is no longer walking.

    2. False. The Principal is still in the Way.

  3. Maybe somewhere on the application it reads Religion: __Catholic __NCW

  4. I just called San Vicente School and there are no teaching jobs currently available.
    Eileen Benavente-Blas

  5. Aren't the SSND in charge of hiring? I am under the impression that they are independent from our archdiocese. Why would they hire someone loyal to the WAY? Will someone please expand on this topic? PLEASE??????

    1. San Vicente is under the administration of PASTOR, meaning ADRIAN CRISTOBAL. it is the ONLY Catholic School still holding title of PARISH SCHOOL!

    2. @7:12 OH NO! And what will they be teaching in their religion classes? Has the ncw principal replaced certified teachers with their own kiko brand? Parents, I think you should seriously consider withdrawing your children from that school.

  6. Regardless whether the new principal is a neo or not or whether she's bringing in their own kiko brand, we need to look at what's important here... the children's education.. There are reasons why parents had hand picked their children to attend SVCS and we should not presume. We should not turn this into an ugly scene because ultimately the only individuals who will become affected by this controversial is the "children".

    1. I guess you don't mind your children being taught that "Jesus was a sinner" just like us and he "experienced the forgiveness of the father." If this is what they teach the deacon candidates then why wouldn't they teach children the same? Sorry, but I care much more about my children's eternal destination than what school they go to. So should you.

    2. The center of Catholic education is Jesus Christ. The teachings of the One True Church founded by Christ must be followed. To follow Kiko and Carmen' s brand of theology is a grave mistake. Don't kid yourself that the Neos will not try to influence your children.
